Russian silver antiques are worth treasuring. If you are thinking of buying yourself a piece or two from a Russian silver antique store in New York, you should know the basics of antique shopping. Else, you would end up paying money for something that is not real, because there are several items out there that are just plain reproduction of the original material. Take a look at these tips:
1. Research the seller:
If you have found a seller who is offering Russian silver antiques, the first thing that you need to do is to investigate their business, and also know the other items available for sale. If the seller has several pieces of the same item, you can be sure that it is not authentic. Russian silver antiques are rare and one of a kind, so buying in bulk is not possible.
2. Enquire about it:
Before purchasing the piece, get in touch with the seller and ask questions about it. You can probably ask how the item came to the seller’s possession. They usually procure items through their own process of antique hunting. An honest antique seller will let you know where they obtained the item, as well as the date and the condition of the item at the time of acquiring it.
3. Check for authenticity:
Do thorough research online. Russian antiques for sale come with a mark of authenticity, with which you can make sure that you are investing in the right item. Lookout for these signs when you are exploring antique items in the store.
Deal with the most reputable and reliable antique dealers who have a great experience in collecting authentic antique pieces. Trustworthy antique dealers will also offer you a lifetime guarantee of authenticity.